Jewelry Plaster Limited

Established 1994

Jewelry Plaster Limited (JPL) was established in 1994 and was the first investment powder manufacturer in Asia. JPL now supplies a wide range of specialised products for the jewellery manufacturing process. Our products include: Investment Plaster, Waxes, Silicone Rubber and Natural Rubber.

Company Profile

Jewelry Plaster Limited (JPL) is a joint venture between Goodwin PLC in the United Kingdom and Thai partners. JPL was established in 1994 and was the first investment plaster manufacturer in Asia.

JPL and its sister companies located in the UK, China & India are the largest investment plaster manufacturers in the world. As a group we supply over 65,000 metric tonnes of investment plaster per annum which is over a 55% global market share.

This level of global market share, reputation for quality and service is due to the fact that we take an engineered approach to all aspects of our business and put quality first. We have over 150 years of combined experience in the manufacture and technical support of investment casting plasters.

Goodwin Refractory Services Ltd is the parent company that oversees, supports and audits all of the subsidiary investment plaster manufacturing facilities including JPL. All the subsidiaries benefit from regular UK senior management visits to help grow the activities and to ensure our products and services are being manufactured, supplied and technically supported to an optimum standard in line with our procedures and specifications.

Commitment To Our Customers

In each of our manufacturing locations we have locally based, highly trained, quality controlled technical sales teams which offer bespoke services to each of our customers, all supported by the UK Headquarters. Offering locally manufactured, competitively priced, high-quality products.


Our mission is to consistently deliver high-quality products and offer world-class technical support, tailored to meet our customers' needs and help them achieve their desired outcomes.